All companies should follow fire safety requirements. If a product satisfy all standards, the business has the fire safety certificate. This kind if document is obligatory for every entrepreneur. “On the requirements of fire safety” is the technical regulation of the Customs union 043/2017.

There is a checklist of objects, which companies should have for getting the fire safety certificate:

  • fire extinguishers, fire trucks, fire barrels, fire protection equipment
  • electric cables for protection of electrical circuits
  • gates doors, components of ventilation systems
  • waterproofing materials, PVC products

Getting the fire safety certificate

If your product follow all necessary fire standards, you will get the fire safety certificate in the form of declaration.

The obligatory requirement is registration by a third party. Without this step your certificate will not be valid.

The fire safety certificate operates not more than 5 years. A number of necessary documents depends on the kind of your product.

You can also get the fire safety certificate on a voluntary basis, if your good is not required to obtain fire certificate.

There are several certification schemes that determine the timing of the issuance of certificates. The schemes include subsequent inspection control and determination of such characteristics as:

  • flammability group
  • indicator of toxicity
  • smoke generation coefficient

For getting a fire safety document, you must apply for a certificate to an accredited body https://mastcert.com/fire-safety-certificate/. Then you should provide a full package of documents, which depends on the type of paint, manufacturer. It’s necessary to wait for consideration of documents, selection of certification scheme. Finally you obtain a protocol for assessing the quality of products and find out the results of the analysis from the specialists of the accredited center.

Price of the fire safety certificate

The price for this type of the document varies from $750.

You should present an application, information of your company, copies of constituent documents and technical specifications of your goods.

The fire safety certificate is included in the list of obligatory documents for legally realization into circulation in the Customs union https://mastcert.com/fire-safety-certificate/.

The product certification system in the field of fire safety applies to both domestic and imported products. Certification is carried out according to the same rules. Without the fire safety certificate, the company will not be able to obtain a document stating that its products comply with the GOST standard.