TR CU 004/2011

On safety of low-voltage equipment


Required field
TR CU 004/2011

MASTCERT has competence to carry out the necessary work to confirm the compliance of products that fall under the requirements of the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union 004/2011 “On the safety of low-voltage equipment”.

Certification of conformity for production according to the technical regulations or state standards provides both manufacturers and sellers with the following advantages:

  • No need for a separate document for each country;
  • A significant reduction in the time required to complete the certification procedure;
  • Acceleration of trade turnover between states, having a positive impact on their economies;
  • A significant increase in sales volume of individual companies and the emergence of prospects for development.

Our certification body employs experienced specialists who prepare the necessary package of documents for the issuance of an EAC certificate and/or a declaration themselves. Our experts advise clients on emerging issues at any stage of registration.

Work for a registration of a document according to TR CU 004/2011 consists of several stages:

  • Preparation of necessary documentation;
  • Carrying out tests with the preparation of a test protocol;
  • Professional consultation with the customer during all stages of work;
  • Registration of the certificate for products, which is entered in the RusAccreditation register.


ProductsTR CU 004/2011TR CU 010/2011TR CU 020/2011
Spare parts and accessories+
Explosion-proof equipment++
Equipment operating from hydraulic, pneumatic drive+
Road and lifting machines++
Mills, cutters, screwdrivers, grinding wheels, bicycles+
Equipment operating from a voltage of over 1000V++
Tools (manual, electrical, battery)+++
Control cabinets++


  1. Electrical equipment and appliances for household purpose:
    • For the preparation and storage of food and the mechanization of kitchen work;
    • For processing (washing, ironing, drying, cleaning) linen, clothes and shoes;
    • For cleaning and cleaning premises;
    • To maintain and adjust the microclimate in the premises;
    • Sanitary and hygienic equipment;
    • For the care of hair, nails and skin;
    • For heating the body;
    • Vibro-massage;
    • Game, sports and training equipment;
    • Audio and video equipment, receivers of television and radio broadcasting;
    • Sewing and knitting;
    • Power supplies, chargers, voltage regulators;
    • For horticulture;
    • For aquariums and garden reservoirs;
    • Electric pumps;
    • Lighting equipment and light sources;
    • Electro adjusting products;
    • Extension cords.
  2. Personal electronic data processing machines (personal computers).
  3. Low-voltage equipment connected to electronic data processing machines.
  4. Electric hand tools (hand and portable electrical machinery).
  5. Electro musical instruments.
  6. Cables, wires and cords.
  7. Automatic breakers, protective cutout devices.
  8. Devices for electric energy distribution.
  9. Electrical apparatus for electrotechnical sets control.

Download “TR CU 004/2011” for free

Read the full English version of TR CU 004/2011 regulation “On the safety of low-voltage equipment”.
Check if your product is subject to certification under this regulation.
If you still have questions you can always rely on MASTCERT.



Low-voltage equipment is issued for market circulation of a product when it complies with the technical regulations of the Customs Union, the effect of which is extended to it on the condition that it has passed the confirmation of compliance. Low-voltage equipment included on the List are subject to confirmation of compliance in the form of certification. Low-voltage equipment not included on the List, are subject to confirmation of compliance in the form of a declaration of conformity.

Certification of low-voltage equipment is carried out by an accredited certification body listed in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Test Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union, to which our company belongs. An application for registration of a document may be submitted either by the enterprise that produces the device or by the representative of the importing company authorized to do so.

Registration of declarations of compliance is also carried out by the certification bodies included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Test Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union.

The certificate of conformity can be made for serial production, single product, or single delivery. The validity period of the certificate of conformity for equipment produced serially is not more than 5 years, for a batch of equipment (single article), the validity period is not established.

Important: The Certificate of Conformity of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union can be drawn up both for goods produced by the countries of the Customs Union, and for goods of foreign manufacturers. Requirements for foreign products and products of the Customs Union are the same, and the certification schemes also coincide.


  1. What is the purpose of certification/declaration?- Technical regulation is defined by Federal Law 184, it says that for all products that fall under the mandatory system of TR CU certification, there needs to be a document confirming compliance – a certificate or declaration, this is necessary for the importation and sale of products in the Customs Union.
  2. How do I know which document is required to be issued – a certificate or declaration?- In TR CU 004/2011 and ТR CU 020/2011 are lists of products that are subject to obligatory certification. If the products fall under the relevant regulations, according to the scope of application (Article 1), but does not fall under the certification – it is necessary to make a declaration.
  3. What is the difference between a certificate and a declaration?- The certificate and the declaration have the same legal force. The certificate is drawn up on a numbered form (paper), and the Certification Body bears responsibility for the conformity of the products of the TR CU requirements. The declaration is registered on a white A4 paper, the declarant is responsible for the conformity of the products of the TR CU requirements, and the Certification Body is responsible for the correctness of the filing.
  4. The products are subject to declaration, but the customer wants a certificate. – At the request of the applicant, if the product falls under a declaration – it is possible to issue a certificate, in accordance with Article 7 of TR CU 004/2011 (TR CU 020/2011). However, If the product falls under the requirement for certification – a declaration can not be issued instead.
  5. For how long can a certificate or declaration be issued?- The term is not fixed for a one time delivery, for a serial prodcution (unlimited deliveries) it is from 1 to 5 years.
  6. Who can act as an Applicant?- A company which is registered in the territory of the Customs Union (5 countries).
  7. What data must be included in the certificate/declaration? – The certificate and declaration of conformity shall be formalized in accordance with the Uniform Form, which is determined by the Decision of EAC Collegium.
  8. What is the HS code? Where can I get it?- Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union (TN VED TS) is a classifier of goods used by customs authorities and participants in foreign economic activity (for foreign trade activities) for the purpose of conducting customs operations.

Are you planning to import and sell low voltage equipment on the territory of the Customs Union – household heating devices, computers, cameras, cables, wires, insulation or other electronic goods? You will need to pass the certification according to the Technical Regulation (TR) CU 004/2011. It includes a list of norms and standards confirming the safety of low voltage equipment.

How to get a certificate for low voltage equipment?

Certification for this type of product includes dozens of standards, including standards for the occupational safety system, specifications, requirements for labeling, packaging, transportation and storage. The technical regulation presupposes certification schemes and methods for specific types of products, rules for sampling and assessment. The technical regulation describes the applicable scope of the equipment, the rules of commerce, the requirements and the procedure for confirming compliance. Guided by the directive, our company chooses certification schemes, takes samples, conducts a series of tests in a laboratory, issues a test report with indicators and gives an opinion on the results. This process is as simple as possible for the customer – You just need to submit an application and collect a minimum list of documents, we take care of the rest of the formalities.

Apply for certification online

If You need to quickly pass the test according to the TR CU 004/2011 regulation and get the result, apply on our website. We will promptly contact You, clarify the current details, guide You on further actions and get down to work. EAC certification is our main specialization, therefore we have all the necessary knowledge and material and technical base for a quality service.

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