Certification of control panels


Required field

Certification of control panels

Control panels belong to category of low-voltage package (LVP) used in automated control systems to protect electrical devices from sudden overloads, short circuits, and maintenance personnel from electric shock.

Certification of control panels is a set of measures the purpose of which is to confirm the properties declared by the manufacturer, high quality and complete safety of the product for the user. The LVP is subject to the technical regulations of the Customs Union, therefore, the production or sale of products on the territory of the EAEU member countries is possible only after obtaining all mandatory permits.

LVP certification – features of the procedure.

In addition to control panels, LVP includes control cabinets, switchboards, automation cabinets, non-automatic closing boxes and other technical devices.

The functional purpose of complete devices is the reception and redirection of energy flows.

Significant distinguishing characteristics of the devices are:

  • location – the equipment is stationary, can be mounted inside or outside;
  • direction – transformer, socket, point units;
  • service method;
  • version – shield, block, box, cabinet, panel.

LVP is subject to several technical regulations. Based on the provisions of TR 004/2011, the safety of control panels as low-voltage equipment is checked.

Due to the presence of components in the device that can provoke the appearance of electromagnetic interference during operation, the requirements of TR 020/2011 are taken into account during verification process.

Additionally, LVP can be tested for the content of hazardous substances in accordance with the technical regulation TR 037/2016.

The regulatory document obliges the manufacturer not to use aggressive chemicals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and others in the process of manufacturing technical equipment.

To confirm compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union, certification or declaration may be required, which depends on the technical characteristics of the product and the code of foreign economic activity.

Regardless of the features of the procedure, the device must meet certain requirements:

  • the presence of reliable insulation – protection against electric current;
  • resistance to premature wear;
  • minimization of risk of injury or burns that the user may receive during operation;
  • noise immunity, the ability to function without creating electromagnetic interference around;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors that could affect the operational properties and functionality of the device;
  • risk minimization at the stage of installation, commissioning, in case of unacceptable overloads or failures, in conditions of critically high temperatures;
  • fire and explosion safety of technical means.

Maximum validity of the permit is 5 years.

After receiving the declaration or certificate for control panels, the company/individual entrepreneur is obliged to put the approved mark of circulation on the market – “EAC” on the product packaging, making a corresponding mark in the shipping papers.

It should be taken into account that, according to the provisions of the technical regulations, the marking of a commodity unit with a single sign is carried out after passing all the evaluation activities, but before the goods are on the counter.

Documents for certification of control panels.

Obtaining permits begins with the preparation of a package of documents, which includes:

  • copies of state registration certificates (OGRN, TIN);
  • applicant company’s card;
  • NTD for goods;
  • detailed description of the product – technical characteristics, features, HS codes;
  • information about the manufacturer of goods.

Stages of verification.

The process of confirming compliance with applicable standards and requirements takes place in a standard procedure:

  • Drafting an application for audit
  • Providing all required documents
  • Handover of product samples
  • Carrying out tests and examinations in laboratories
  • Drawing up final protocols, on the basis of which appropriate permits are issued.

After entering data in the unified register, the documents are handed over to the applicant.

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