EAC Certification Countries
EAC Certification Countries
Do you have any plans to expand the geography of trade to Eastern Europe and are you interested in EAC certification standards, countries that are members of the Union? Currently, the list of countries included in the Eurasian Customs Union includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. It is necessary to pass all stages of certification according to the general EAC standards to enter the market of any of these states.
Certification to enter the Eurasian market
At first, many entrepreneurs do not even know where is the EAC, which states are included in it, and how, to start the process of exporting goods to these markets in general. As for any commercial issues, we are not your advisers, but the first thing that definitely needs to be done in order to get things off the ground is to obtain the necessary permits for the import of products into the territory of this single trading zone and for further sale. In this regard, you will need to pass the EAC certification. It can be compulsory for a certain list of goods or voluntary. But even if your product is not subject to compulsory verification, we recommend obtaining a voluntary certificate and a significant competitive advantage over analogues.
The certification procedure begins with the collection of documentation, then a series of tests is carried out and protocols with the results are formed. For some groups of goods, a production audit is required. After all tests are completed, a package of technical, regulatory and final documentation on tests is submitted along with the application to a certified center, which decides on issuing a certificate.
Certification according to the standards (2021) in force in 2021/2022
Our company has been working in the field of certification for more than 9 years, has the necessary authority to conduct tests and has managed to accompany thousands of clients in entering the market of the Eurasian Customs Union. We have issued more than 14,000 documents and are ready to work on your tasks.
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