AMENDMENTS TO TR CU 004/2011 AND TR CU 020/2011

I. Main amendments affecting TR CU 004/2011

1. The list of products that are not covered by the regulation has been expanded:

– The regulation does not include components of low-voltage equipment (assemblies, components and components), the safety of which is partially or completely determined by how these components are built into other electrical equipment, and cannot be assessed (tested) otherwise than as part of this equipment.

– Equipment subject to the regulations “On the safety of machinery and equipment” (TR CU 010/2011), “Safety of elevators” (TR CU 011/2011) and “On the safety of equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres” (TR CU 012/2011), except for cables, wires and cords, which are still covered by TR CU 004/2011.

II. Main amendments affecting TR CU 020/2011

1. The list of products that are not covered by the regulation has been expanded:

Exceptions: medical devices, used equipment, defense products and specially designed to ensure safety in the field of atomic energy use.

2. Clarifications introduced in Appendix No. 3:

Certification is required for:

– system units,

– cash registers that work in conjunction with a computer,

– technical equipment not only for household, but also for office purposes, connected to personal electronic computers.

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