Import of spare parts and components under the new procedure (Decision No. 130 of 11/12/2021)
According to the new decision of the EEC Council dated November 12, 2021 No. 130, spare parts are not subject to mandatory certification if they are imported for the purpose of repairing previously imported finished products that already have a certificate. This decision applies to spare parts imported on a reimbursable or non-reimbursable basis for the repair of finished products imported earlier that have passed the certification procedure.
In accordance with the law on consumer protection, the manufacturer is obliged to ensure during the life of the product the possibility of repair and maintenance of this product. Therefore, maintaining spare parts in stock is the responsibility of the manufacturer.
The declarant of spare parts can only be:
– a company authorized by a foreign manufacturer of finished products who has imported or is importing finished products into the customs territory of the EAEU;
– the manufacturer of the EAEU member state or a company authorized by it, who imports spare parts for maintenance and (or) repair of finished products previously produced and put into circulation.
The declarant of spare parts must submit to the customs authority a document on the conformity assessment of finished products (including those with expired validity) and fill out a notification on the purpose of import in the form specified in the annex to the decision of the EEC Council dated November 12, 2021 No. 130.