ТR CU 021/2011

On safety of food


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TR CU 021/2011

Technical Regulation 021/2011 was adopted on November 18, 2010
TR CU 021/2011 is used to protect human life and health, to prevent actions that may mislead consumers, to protect the environment.

This regulation governs the requirements for food products by their labeling, packaging materials, products and equipment for the production of these products, etc.

The technical regulations apply to:
– food products;
– the processes of production (manufacturing), storage, transportation (transportation), sale and disposal related to the requirements for food products.

Important: this regulation applies to products that are produced (imported) for sale to consumers in the
territory of the Customs Union. It does not apply to products manufactured by citizens at home for
personal consumption.

Food products may be put into circulation only on condition that they comply with the requirements of this Technical Regulation and the requirements of the regulations that apply to it. Such products are marked with a special quality mark adopted in the territory of the Customs Union.

Download “ТR CU 021/2011” for free

Read the full English version of TR CU 021/2011 regulation “On safety of food”.
Check if your product is subject to certification under this regulation.
If you still have questions you can always rely on MASTCERT.


In accordance with Technical Regulation 021/2011, products are identified by the following methods:
– by name (comparison of the name of the product and its use with the data on the package (in the documentation) and the definition of this name among the list of products in the Appendix to the Regulations of the Customs Union);
– visual method – determining the conformity of the appearance of the goods to the characteristics and characteristics stated in the description specified in the Regulations;
– organoleptic method – this method is used if it is impossible to draw a conclusion using the previous two methods;
– analytical method – this method is used if food products cannot be identified by the previous three methods.

Confirmation of compliance of food products with the requirements of TR CU 021/2011 and (or) technical regulations of the Customs Union for certain types of food products is carried out in the forms:

  • confirmation (declaration) of conformity of food products;
  • state registration of specialized food products;
  • state registration of food products of a new type;
  • veterinary sanitary examination.

Important: Declaration of products under regulation 021/2011 can take place according to one of three schemes, at the choice of the applicant, unless otherwise specified by the technical regulations of the Customs Union: 1D, 2D or 3D.

All food products that are produced (imported from abroad) for the purpose of being put into circulation on the territory of the countries of the Customs Union are subject to declaration, except:
– unprocessed food products of animal origin;
– specialized food products;
– vinegar.
To obtain the Declaration of Conformity of food products to Technical Regulation 021/2011, you can contact the company MASTCERT. You will receive detailed advice from us on these regulations. We will shortly issue a Declaration for you with a minimum package of documents from you.

TR CU 021/2011 is used to protect human life and health, the environment, to prevent actions that may mislead the consumer. This regulation regulates the requirements for food products for their labeling, packaging materials, products and equipment for the production of these products. According to the provisions of this Technical Regulation food products are checked, production, storage, transportation, sale, disposal and other processes related to the requirements for this category of goods are controlled.

How to get a food safety certificate?

The provisions of TR 021/2011 apply to products manufactured or imported in the territory of the Customs Union (CU). Food products can be sold only if they comply with the standards of this Technical Regulation and other applicable regulations. Such goods are marked with a special quality EAC mark adopted in the territory of the CU. The following methods are used for identification:

  • by name (comparison of the name of the product and its use with the data on the packaging (in the documentation) and the definition of this name among the list of products in the Appendix to TR CU);
  • visual determination of the conformity of the appearance of the product to the characteristics specified in the description;
  • if it was not possible to investigate by previous methods, the organoleptic method is used;
  • when it is impossible to identify before, the analytical method is also used.

To obtain a document confirming the compliance of products with the requirements of TR CU 021/2011, please contact MASTCERT. We will help You get the necessary EAC certificate in a short time and with a minimum package of documents.

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