EAC certification in Kyrgyzstan: Procedure and Main Stages

EAC certification in Kyrgyzstan


Required field

EAC (Eurasian Conformity) certification is a key process required to confirm product compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which includes five countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. Obtaining a certificate or declaration of conformity of the EAC is a prerequisite for the legal circulation of products in the territory of the EAEU countries.

Basic documents

  1. EAC Certificate of Conformity is a document confirming that the product meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the EEU. The certificate is issued by an accredited certification body after all necessary tests have been carried out.
  2. EAC Declaration of Conformity is a document confirming product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, which is drawn up by the manufacturer or its authorized representative on the basis of its own evidence and/or tests carried out in accredited laboratories.

EAC certification procedure

The certification procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Product definition . At the first stage, it is determined whether the product is subject to mandatory certification or declaration, and what technical regulations it must comply with.
  2. Choosing a certification scheme . Depending on the type of product and the conditions of its production, a certification scheme is selected. The scheme may include various stages such as sample testing, production analysis and inspection control.
  3. Product testing . The products are sent to an accredited laboratory for testing for compliance with the requirements of the EAEU regulations. In case of declaration, the manufacturer can use the results of its own tests if this is allowed by the selected scheme.
  4. Analysis of the state of production . For a number of products, it is necessary to analyze the state of production. This is necessary to confirm that production processes consistently produce products that meet the requirements of the EAEU.
  5. Registration of the certificate . If the product has successfully passed all tests and the production meets the necessary requirements, the certification body issues an EAC certificate. In case of declaration, the manufacturer himself draws up the declaration and registers it in the appropriate register.

Procedure for declaring conformity

The declaration procedure is similar to certification, but has a number of features:

  • The declaration is drawn up on the basis of the manufacturer’s own evidence or test reports from accredited laboratories.
  • Declaration schemes are usually simpler than certification schemes and may only involve internal production control or testing in an accredited laboratory.
  • Registration of the declaration is carried out through a specialized register, after which products can move freely throughout the territory of the EAEU.

Requirements for applicants

Applicants for a certificate or declaration can only be legal entities or individual entrepreneurs registered in the territory of the EAEU. If products are imported from outside the union, the manufacturer is obliged to appoint an authorized representative on the territory of the EAEU, who will act as an applicant.

Validity period of documents

The validity period of certificates and declarations depends on the chosen certification scheme and can vary from one year to five years. In case of changes in product design or production technology, certification may need to be re-certified.


EAC certification in Kyrgyzstan is a mandatory procedure for many types of products intended for sale on the EAEU market. This process includes many stages, from product testing to the preparation of the necessary documents, and requires the involvement of accredited certification bodies. Compliance with all certification requirements ensures product safety and compliance with high quality standards.

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