EAC certification in Kazakhstan: Main aspects

EAC certification in Kazakhstan


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EAC certification (Eurasian Conformity) is the process of confirming product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The EAC certificate confirms that the products meet the mandatory safety and quality requirements established within the EAEU, which ensures the free movement of goods in the territory of all member countries of the union: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

EAC certification procedure in Kazakhstan

The process of certification and declaration of EAC in Kazakhstan includes several key stages:

  1. Determination of technical regulations : First of all, it is necessary to determine which technical regulations of the EAEU the products fall under. Each regulation describes specific requirements for the safety and quality of goods of a certain category.
  2. Choosing a certification or declaration scheme : The scheme depends on the type of product, volume of production, risks associated with the use of the product, and other factors. Schemes can range from requiring product samples to be tested in accredited laboratories to reviewing production processes and quality control.
  3. Submitting an application : The manufacturer or his authorized person submits an application for certification or declaration to an accredited certification body. The application contains information about the product, manufacturer, certification scheme, and also provides technical documents.
  4. Product testing : Depending on the certification scheme, products may be sent to an accredited laboratory to be tested for compliance with technical regulations. Tests are carried out in terms of safety, strength, stability and other characteristics established by the regulations.
  5. Production status review : In some cases (for example, batch production certification schemes) an audit of the production process may be required, which includes checking the quality control system, production conditions, compliance with technologies and standards.
  6. Issuance of a certificate or declaration : If the product has successfully passed the tests and other necessary procedures, a certificate of conformity is issued or a declaration of conformity is issued. The declaration is confirmed by the signature of the applicant and registration in the Unified Register of the EAEU.
  7. Labeling of products with the EAC mark : Products that have received a certificate or declaration are subject to marking with the EAC mark. This mark confirms that the product meets the requirements of the EAEU and can be freely sold on the market of all member countries of the union.
  8. Registration and entry into the register : The certificate of conformity or declaration is registered in the Unified Register of issued certificates and registered declarations on the EAEU website. This allows you to verify the authenticity of documents and ensure that the product meets the requirements.

Declaration of EAC

The declaration process is in many ways similar to certification, but in some cases it can be simplified. For example, when declaring, responsibility for product compliance with requirements falls directly on the applicant (manufacturer or his representative), and not on the certification body. In some cases, declaration is allowed on the basis of one’s own evidence (test reports) without the involvement of laboratories

Differences between certification and declaration

The main difference between certification and declaration is the degree of responsibility and the mandatory involvement of independent bodies. Certification involves stricter control by third parties, while declaration often relies on self-declaration and self-assessment by the manufacturer.


Certification and declaration of the EAC in Kazakhstan are important stages in the entry of products into the EAEU market. The procedure confirms the safety and quality of goods, which not only helps protect consumers, but also opens access to the markets of all EAEU countries. Correct implementation of all stages of certification and declaration guarantees the successful sale of products throughout the entire union.

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