Certification of cleansers


Required field

Certification of cleansers

All cosmetics intended for washing, the circulation of which takes place in the Russian Federation and other member countries of the EAEU, must be certified in accordance with requirements of this union. Certification of cleansers equally applies to various types of these cosmetic products, such as gel, foam and others.

Regulatory framework.

Product quality assessment during the declaration is carried out according to the uniform requirements of the EAEU Technical Regulation TR CU 009/2011 “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products”.

If an enterprise puts cosmetics on sale without certification, organization faces administrative fines of up to 1 million rubles or the seizure of products.

What certification of cleansing gels is required?

For this type of cosmetics, a declaration of conformity or a certificate of state registration is required, which confirms:

  • Safety of the user’s health when using the cleanser;
  • Compliance of product properties with unified requirements of mandatory regulatory documents;
  • Potentially harmful or dangerous substances were not used during production of gels;
  • Compliance with the declared quality of cosmetics.
  • Cosmetics for which a certificate of state registration is issued are:
  • Products which were created using nanomaterials;
  • Products for children.

For other types of cleansers, a declaration of conformity with TR CU 009/2011 “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products” is required.

Stages of obtaining permission for Declaration and SGR and their registration.

  • Submission of application;
  • Coordination of prices and signing of contract on services;
  • Collection and provision of a complete set of documents for the enterprise, and manufactured products;
  • Carrying out laboratory tests of cosmetics samples;
  • Obtaining permission or instructions for further actions in case of refusal to approve certification;
  • Registration of a mandatory certificate in the FSA registry

The set of documents for applying for certification of cleansers comprise:

  • Application;
  • TIN and OGRN;
  • Layout of labels or description of product characteristics;
  • Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP;
  • GOSTs or other regulatory documents according to which products are manufactured;
  • Certificate of ownership or lease agreement for production premises;
  • Samples of gels and foams for examinations.

Deadlines for issuing certificates for cleansing gels and foams.

Usually, collection of prepared documents and signing of the contract takes maximum two days. Further, laboratory testing of cosmetics is carried out, and on average, within 2-4 weeks, permission is given for a declaration or SGR. Registration of certificates in the FSA takes three working days.

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