Certification in Azerbaijan


Required field

Certificate of conformity AZS is one of the necessary documents for customs clearance and subsequent sale of products on the territory of Azerbaijan.

Certification of products in the Republic of Azerbaijan is carried out on the basis of the national certification system AZS.

Azerbaijan is not part of the Eurasian Customs Union, therefore it has its own certification system.

AZSTAND – Azərbaycan Standartlaşdırma İnstitutu (Institute (AZSTAND) is responsible for the development and application of national standards; development, adoption and repeal of national standards; management of the State Standards Fund; maintenance and registration of normative documents on technical regulation and standardization; coordination of the activities of technical committees for standardization, as well as conformity assessment (certification and laboratory tests).

According to the Law of Azerbaijan dated April 16, 1996 “On Standardization”, the state standards of Azerbaijan contain mandatory and advisory requirements.

More than 20 thousand interstate and 966 national standards are registered in the state fund of normative legal acts. The compliance of Azerbaijani state standards with European and international standards is 45%.

Products subject to certification

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan has approved the List of products requiring certification and reviews this list once a year. The list includes 120 items, including products such as clothing, shoes and toys for children, swimming accessories, detergents, bleaches and cleaning products, low-voltage equipment, trailers and semi-trailers, medical equipment, etc.

It is worth noting that telecommunications and radio equipment must be certified as telecom equipment. This is a separate certification system in Azerbaijan that should be considered in addition to safety certificates (EMC, LVD).


Azerbaijan has a Mark of Conformity, which is protected by the current legislation of the country.

Image of the mark of conformity in the national certification system of Azerbaijan

A certificate of conformity with AZS mark guarantees that the product has passed certain tests and meets both technical and safety requirements.


Validity period

The validity period of issued certificates is determined in accordance with the certification schemes and the nature of the product.

The country has labeling rules that depend on the type of product. Labeling is regulated by the legislative acts of Azerbaijan.

There is one general rule regarding labeling – all labels and instructions must be in Azerbaijani, and measurement information must be presented in the metric system.

MASTSERT LLC provides certification services in accordance with the rules for compliance with quality standards established by the Government of Azerbaijan.

Documents required for certification of products for import into Azerbaijan:

  • certificate of origin
  • foreign certificates of conformity or consumer declarations
  • hygiene certificates
  • test reports
  • invoice

In-person audit of the enterprise

The inspector conducts an audit of documents and inspects all production facilities. If minor inconsistencies are identified during the audit, the Customer is given time to eliminate them. Based on the results of the inspection, the expert draws up a report, which he introduces to the Customer. The report is signed by the Customer; in case of disagreement, an appeal is filed with the certification body.

Laboratory research

Laboratory tests are carried out in accredited laboratories. Sampling is carried out by an expert during the inspection. If the enterprise itself has a laboratory that has the appropriate accreditation, research is carried out in this laboratory in the presence of an expert.

Certificate of conformity for products

A certificate of conformity for products, and at the same time the opportunity to use the marking mark on the label, is provided for products manufactured after the end of the certification period. The certificate is issued for one year and is renewed if the operator successfully passes the annual inspection.

The official language of the national certification system is Azerbaijani. Documents used, registered and issued in the system (orders, protocols, acts, certificates, certificates, etc.) are drawn up in the Azerbaijani language.

Annual control

Certification provides for constant monitoring of compliance of the production process and finished products with production rules. To confirm compliance, an annual inspection is carried out, which includes document verification, production audit and laboratory analysis of the final product.

As in Russia, the Azerbaijan certificate can be issued for a batch or a series; the required documents and procedures are also very similar to the Russian certification system.

Regarding measuring instruments, as in any other CIS countries, in Azerbaijan it is also necessary to obtain a separate measurement certificate (for type approval); the required documents and certification procedures are very similar to the Russian certification system.

Certification of services in Azerbaijan can be carried out not only according to the country’s national standards, but also within the framework of the international ISO system.

Stages of service certification:

• Filing an application;

• Definition of a certification scheme;

• Evaluation of the company and the services offered in accordance with standards;

• Making a decision on the compliance (non-compliance) of services with requirements;

• Registration of certificate.

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