Certification and declaration of products according to EAC requirements in Armenia

EAC requirements in Armenia


Required field

EAC certification (Eurasian Compliance) is a mandatory procedure for confirming product compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. In Armenia, as in other EAEU member countries, certification and product declaration are key tools for ensuring the safety of goods on the market.

Main aspects of EAC certification in Armenia:

. Legal framework: Certification and declaration of products in Armenia are regulated by the technical regulations of the EAEU, which establish mandatory requirements for product safety and quality. Each group of goods has its own regulations, for example, EAEU TR 010/2011 “On the safety of machinery and equipment” or EAEU TR 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”.

2. Forms of confirmation of conformity: Depending on the product category and the degree of risk, the process of confirmation of conformity can be carried out in the form of certification or declaration.

  • Certification involves testing products in an accredited laboratory and subsequent issuance of a certificate of conformity. This document confirms that the product meets all the requirements of technical regulations.
  • Declaration is a more simplified procedure in which the applicant (manufacturer or importer) independently confirms the conformity of the product, but is also required to provide evidence in the form of test reports or other technical documentation.

3. Certification stages:

  1. Product identification: Determination of HS codes and relevant technical regulations on the basis of which certification will be carried out.
  2. Selecting a certification or declaration scheme: Depending on the type of product and its purpose, a suitable conformity assessment scheme is selected.
  3. Product testing: Products are tested in an accredited laboratory. Tests are carried out for compliance with the requirements of specific technical regulations of the EAEU.
  4. Assessment of the production process (if necessary): In some cases, inspection control of production is required to verify compliance with technologies and processes that affect product safety.
  5. Issuance of a certificate or declaration: After successfully passing all checks, the applicant is issued a certificate of conformity or declaration, which allows them to legally import and sell products in the territory of the EAEU countries.

4. Validity of the document: The validity of the EAC certificate varies depending on the certification scheme and type of product, and can range from 1 to 5 years. The declaration of conformity also has a limited validity period, which is established by the regulations.

5. Mandatory marking: After receiving a certificate or declaration, products must be marked with the EAC mark, which confirms that the product has passed all the necessary tests and complies with the requirements of the EAEU. This mark must be applied to each product or its packaging.

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